Certified Behavioral Based Ergonomics Specialist (CBES) Credentialing Courses
® CBES is a federal registered service mark only offered by ISR Institute in the USA. All rights reserved.

Don't miss our next fully integrated Ergo-wellness credentialing CBES® course!
Taught by Richard Bunch, PhD, PT, CBES®, developer of the CBES® approach, with assistance from a faculty of CBES® certified clinicians, this class is consistently rated by attendees as the most outstanding course of its kind.
Dynamic & Fast-Paced

This 4-day program will provide you with a thorough knowledge of work physiology, causes of MSD's, methods of ergonomic problem solving, and effective ergo-behavioral and wellness solutions for both field and office work environments.
It is fully compliant with OSHA ergonomic guidelines, behavioral based interventions, and the latest effective wellness interventions. In fact, many attendees say that the course is life-changing and extremely valuable to their own health improvement.
Passionate & Proactive

Dr. Bunch has developed highly effective ergonomic programs that are being used nationally and internationally by fortune 500 corporations. The CBES® proprietary process is federally registered with the United States Government and students will receive a professional certificate of course attendance for the days attended.
Attend the CBES® certification course and see why the integrated CBES® approach has proven to be much more effective than standard ergonomic programs.

10% discount over any other qualified discount for Moxie Media customers. Write "Moxie Client" on the registration form to redeem discount.
Attendees may elect to take only certain components of the course. Part I addressing Work Physiology, Biomechanics, and Wellness Intervention, will be covered on day 1. Part II addressing Office Ergonomics, will be covered on day 2, and Part III addressing Field Ergonomics, will be covered on day 3.