WorkSaver Systems(sm) Employee Testing Services
(Formerly known as ISR Institute)
Offered Nationally Wherever Needed by Industrial Clients
WorkSaver provides nation-wide, job-specific, ADA-compliant functional capacity (physical agility) or fit-for-duty evaluations for new hires (Post-Offer, Pre-Placement) and for return to work of existing employees following injury, illness, or change in safe work capacity status. WorkSaver evaluations are 100% compliant with all federal regulations (EEOC, ADA, ADEA, PDA, Title VII, GINA, HIPAA, etc.) to ensure avoidance of disparate hiring class discrimination based on disability, gender, age, genetics, race, religion, etc.) and protection of private health information.
No one in the nation has more expertise in the area of legal job-specific functional testing or has a better proven record of effectiveness. Our clients have experienced a 68% or greater reduction of on-the-job injuries after using the WorkSaver(sm) fit-for-duty (physical agility) testing process with return on investments (ROI) as high as 18:1! Saving one back, neck, or carpal injury will pay for years of WorkSaver(sm) functional testing. We have the client references and statistics to substantiate our claims.
Let WorkSaver Systems help your company experience similar results that will result in higher retention rates, better job productivity, less injuries, less WC costs, less exposure to litigation, and higher profitability.

The WorkSaver(sm) Functional Evaluation Offers:
- A detailed pre-functional head-to-toe physical and biomechanical examination that is designed to carefully assess medical status and detect unreported medical conditions and symptoms.
- Identification of pre-existing impairments.
- Assessment of baseline functional capacities related to strength, aerobic capacity, balance, coordination, and flexibility .
- Assessment of job-specific functional capacities such as lifting carrying, pushing , pulling, working in various postures, and stair and ladder climbing.
The Certified WorkSaver(sm) Evaluators
The WorkSaver(sm) evaluation system is provided only by licensed physical and occupational therapists that specialize in biomechanical and functional assessments. Institute WorkSaver has developed and utilized this specialized functional testing protocol since 1991 (since ADA became law).
New hires undergo post-offer, pre-placement functional examinations that legally allow withdrawal of the job offer if an applicant cannot demonstrate abilities to perform the essential functions of the job safely.*
*Individuals with disabilities protected by the ADA(amended) will require an interactive accommodation review to determine if the client can offer reasonable accommodations to work.
The WorkSaver(sm) Functional Evaluation is a 100% ADA and EEOC-compliant functional testing process that avoids disparate discrimination based on gender, age, or disability. The methodologies are job-specific and based on validated essential physical demands described in comprehensive, detailed functional job descriptions developed by WorkSaver ergonomic specialists for each client.
Employers – Do not buy existing medical problems that become aggravated shortly after job placement or return to work and risk the safety of your employees. Make sure that each person can perform the essential functions of the job before they start working!
WorkSaver(sm) Evaluations Are:
- Safe, cost-effective, and highly effective in identifying workers who are unable to perform jobs safely.
- Compliant with all EEOC and ADA legal requirements.
- Accurate in identifying pre-existing impairments essential to reducing litigation.
- Used to analyze post-injury recovery status to pre-injury baseline data to measure progress objectively.
- Wellness programs for instruction on proper body mechanics and health.
- Reviewed for quality assurance and statistically analyzed for the employer.
- Court-tested with a documented track record for reducing WC costs.
- Offered nationally by ISR WorkSaver(sm) Certified Affiliated Clinics where needed by clients.
Purpose of WorkSaver(sm) Testing:
- Determines physical abilities to safely perform the essential functions of a job.
- Establishes baseline measurements and records pre-existing impairments.
- Provides feedback and recommendations to employee regarding physical fitness.
- Provides valuable training on proper body mechanics.
- Provides framework for determining specific accommodations for ADA cases.
About WorkSaver(sm) Methodology
- WorkSaver(sm) Protocol developed by Dr. Bunch and field-tested since 1991
- Legal – 100% ADA and EEOC Compliant.
- Court-tested, EEOC reviewed, and approved by labor attorneys.
- Very safe method of assessing impairments and functional abilities. No injuries from testing ever recorded.
- Pass/fail decisions based only on job-specific physical demands that are essential for the safe performance of the job.
- Undergoes quality assurance reviews by ISR Institute’s QA team of registered nurses.
- WorkSaver provides year-end outcome statistics tall clients.
Proven Outcomes of this Program:
- Reduced injuries
- Improved medical management
- Improved safety
- Improved productivity
WorkSaver(sm) Functional Testing identifies pre-existing medical conditions, measures existing impairments, establishes pre-injury baseline physical capacities, and determines individual’s abilities to perform the essential functions of the job safely.
WorkSaver(sm) Program Development and Validation Involves:
- Physical Demand Analyses of Jobs by Institute WorkSaver Ergonomic Specialists
- Content and/or Criterion-based Validations of Essential Job Demands
- Development of ADA-Compliant Functional Job Descriptions
- Employer Review & Approval Prior to Finalization of each Functional Job Description
- Identification of Pass/Fail Criteria
- Test Protocol Validation
- Initiation of WorkSaver(sm) Functional Testing
- Proper Selection of Qualified Employees
The WorkSaver(sm) Process Begins with Job Demand Validations and Development of Professional Functional Job Descriptions:
Prior to functional testing, WorkSaver Systems will perform physical demand validations of jobs to be tested and develop professional functional job descriptions. The validated functional job description forms the legal basis for WorkSaver(sm) Employee Testing and proper selection of employees. It is also invaluable for accurately developing effective light duty programs for RTW cases and determining ADA accommodations when needed.
Quality Assurance Ensures Excellence Second to None
All WorkSaver(sm) reports undergo quality assurance reviews by WorkSaver registered nurses. WorkSaver Systems is the only functional testing specialty practice that offers this level of quality assurance tits clients. The entire WorkSaver(sm) process is designed to be a complete turnkey operation for clients that will simplify the entire process and ensure total success of the program.
The WorkSaver(sm) Network
Employers may use any of our existing nation-wide WorkSaver(sm) clinics. If a region needed by a Client for testing is not currently covered, WorkSaver will locate and certify qualified clinics in the region needed. Using this method, WorkSaver Systems provides the opportunity for employers to choose the locations where they want their employees to be tested.